Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Long time, no post!

My computer has been absolutely retarded and so I have not been able to log into my blog account. I still exist!

Anywho, so the hubby hubs went to see the Infertility NP today. This is why I hate the military docs so much, btw. She informed him that they basically haven't been taking me seriously because I was being unreasonable and my complaint stated that I wanted to be artificially inseminated?!? WTF? So okay, now I am pissed and will kick her ass if I have to see her again. She did say that after his part of the infertility BS was done, it would be far easier to get seen off post and that is my goal. I am so sick of dealing with the whack jobs on post. This crazy ass lady actually said that none of the meds I am on will work because I am not exercising too. Umm, yeah. Maybe she should try reading the research and not leaving it up to me to do all of the stinkin' work?? Artificially inseminated...why would I want that when going straight to the source is soooo much more fun? Seriously, who prefers a turkey baster to the real thing?!? BLAH!