Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Testing Testing!

So, today I had my HSG. Let me just say, that hurt like hell! There is nothing like having someone shove a bunch of dye through your cervix and then watch it drain on the realtime x-ray. BTW, cool looking, did not feel so hot at all.

So I had to be there at 8 am to get some blood drawn. The girl said she was a paramedic for 18 years. I thought to myself, "This is good because last time the girl stuck me twice and it hurt." She must have been like the ambulance driver or something because first, seh stuck my tendon. For those who do not know, tendons do not feel anything like veins through the skin. Veins are spongy and bouncy when you feel for them...tendons are not. So she seemed confused as she molested my arms and kept asking which arm they usually draw blood from...umm okay. They usually ask which arm, but never have I pointed out WHICH VEIN!! In fact, after she tried to poke my tendon, I was feeling my veins and pointing to where they were! Hell, just give me the freakin' needle! She was nice enough to get the girl from the lab cubicle next door to stick me the second time, but went to hand the vacutainer to the girl and she was lost. LOST! So luckily, they got enough blood in the tube for a pregnancy test. The girl did end up blowing my vein and so I will have a nice bruise.

Okay, so then 2 hours to kill. So David and I went to a Mexican place and got fresh squeezed OJ (seriously, the lady did it in front of was awesome). We got our Mexican breakfast foods...gotta love Texas :).

Okay, so back to the Radiology dept and because it's the Army, we got to wait and wait. So 45 minutes after my appointment was supposed to happen, they called me back. I got the joy of getting nuded up and putting on one of those lovely hospital gowns. So I got to sign all of the consents and meet the doctor. The table felt like it was 10 feet in the air and then they have your butt up on this wedge cushion and you feel like your girl bits are just exposed to the world and all up in the docs face LOL. The first thing I felt was a freezing cold metal speculum. Seriously, I jumped...I know he warned me it was cold, but it was COLD! The rest wasn't so bad, but then they inflated that balloon and I had some cramping... then they put the dye into your uterus and OMG. It was like the worse period cramp EVER that just wouldn't let go. So I am hurting and the guy is telling me to roll every which direction...which sucked to no end. All is normal, though. Tubes are open and everything else is as it is supposed to be :D.

2 hours later...pain is finally gone, but with twinges of pain. All I can say is that I hope I never have to do that again!

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